The project involves the construction of a 1,799km high speed rail network. Key Facts: Project Status: Planning Project Value: USD 106648 million Project Sector: Railway->High Speed Railways Project Start date: Q1 2010 Project Completion date: Q4 2025 Project Details The project involves the construction of a 1,799km high speed rail network. The project is proposed to be implemented in stages. The project will include the construction of new railway stations, interchange sections and passage ways, the installation of signaling units, electrical and mechanical equipment, and safety and security systems, and the laying of railway tracks. Suppliers, Contractors and Planners: Project Owner • Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Australia - Planning Authority • Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Australia - Metalspec would like to supply the related building material such as perforated plate, decorative perforated metal,photo etched metal, stainless steel rope mesh, cable mesh, expanded metal, johnson screen, wedge wire screen and other related wire mesh products for this project. Welcom for all enquiries, email us at